Saturday, December 10, 2011

dentists scare me!

Ok so...I have always had a fear of the dentist, ever since I was a small child. Even though my dentist and his staff are actually kind of nice and mean no harm, for some reason I’ve always still been scared. Going to the dentist was never a really good experience. One time when I was around 16, I was at the dentist getting a filling. I kept telling the dentist that my mouth was not numb yet. He refused to listen to me and became the procedure any ways. Well of course, considering my mouth wasn't numb, It hurt! So my reaction was to move away from the drill considering it was hurting me, and well the drill basically fish hooked me. That was the one visit that just put me over the edge. So I haven't really went back there unless I needed a cleaning or something that didn’t involve pain. However, I had braces a few years ago and the brackets that go completely around your molar teeth, had created this little brown mark. Now I always brush my teeth; in the morning, after lunch and before bed. But unfortunately the little brown mark got worse and worse. It turned into two large cavities on both sides of that poor tooth. They filled both of the cavities, in hopes that it would be ok.  The dentist said if it got worse, we could have to do a root canal, or and extraction. Just my luck, it got worse. It turned into and extreme throbbing pain, in my ear, jaws, and neck. So I worked up my courage, which was not hard to do, considering I was in such horrible pain. The dentist and his team came to the conclusion that my tooth needed a root canal. So he gave me some pain medicine and some antibiotics. I am currently scheduled on the 15th to have a root canal. No I am not excited about the procedure, however, I’m so ready for no more pain! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Coffee is a key component; in making it threw everyday life. I don’t know why I’m so tired all the time. Maybe it is because I work forty hours, go to school and help senior citizens at an old folks home excursive Monday through Thursday. With that said, I am a busy girl! Always on the go! Without coffee I do not think I would be able to deal with every day struggles and events.

                 It is funny because I would never have saw myself liking coffee. When I was a small child I had made up my mind that I would never like coffee, never ever, no matter what. However, that all changed once I could no longer do simple tasks without being tired and crabby. Prime example, waking up for high school! Luckily by the end of high school, I learned what Ice Caps were. Deliciousness and energy all in one! It wasn’t long before I tried creamer.  Creamer totally changed my whole outlook on coffee. My first favorite of course, was French vanilla flavored. But luckily, these days, there are so many different flavors at your convenience. Check any local grocery store! Creamer definitely makes my cup of coffee. Well with a couple of spoonful’s of sugar, that is!

                I can’t imagine life without coffee anymore!If you are feeling tired and need a little energy boost, but just cannot stand the taste of coffee I strongly urge you to find a tasty coffee creamer, add sugar, and I think it will definitely change your opinion!

Free Radicals & Antioxidants!

            Antioxidants are helpful little buggers! They fight off free radical damage. Free radical damage is found in cigarette smoke, environmental pollutants, radiant, ultraviolet light, certain drugs, pesticides, anesthetics, industrial solvents, exercising, metabolism and the ozone. Free Radicals are involved in cell signaling processing, and intracellular killing of bacteria, however when there is an extra amount of free radicals, than the body actually needs, the free radicals start damaging or killing our good, healthy cells. Also free radicals are thought to be the root of many cancers, diseases and even the symptoms of aging.
Basically free radicals are unpaired electrons. Most electrons follow the buddy rule, and are always connected or holding hands, you could say. Unfortunately the free radical is a rule breaker, and is unstable. Because they do not have a buddy of their own they try to steal everyone else's, creating problems. When there are extra free radicals in the body, and they start stealing electrons from good, healthy, and stable molecules, they start a chain reaction of damaging one molecule after another.If this continuously happens the body definitely suffers some damages.

            However, the good lord gave us antioxidants and enzymes to fight off the free radical damage! Antioxidants and enzymes in our bodies help reduce and repair all the damage from free radicals. If you break it down, antioxidants sacrifice themselves for the sake of our cells. They give themselves to the free radicals that are looking to steal a buddy. Basically, antioxidants keep the free radicals from damaging our cells by being available to bond to them instead. Some antioxidants are produced in our bodies or can be obtained through foods or supplements.
 Antioxidants can be found in many sources, such as;
·         Vitamin A: citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, strawberries
·         Vitamin E: nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables, whole grains
·         Grape Seed Extract
·         Lignans: flaxseed, oatmeal, barley
·         Vitamin A and Carotenoids: carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, etc.
·         Selenium:  fish, garlic
·         Flavonoids: pomegranate, cranberries

Victoria Secret..what's her secret!?

LOL! So I used to work at Victoria Secret. It was actually a lot of work. I was a sales associate, which included the following; greeting costumers, ask if they needed a new bra, and asking if they needed to be sized as well. I never liked sizing other women’s boobs, so I would always send them back to the fitting room and make someone else do it. I especially didn’t like when I had to run the fitting room, because I had no choice but to size anyone who asked. One of my favorites, was when an old lady like old as in your grandma, would ask to be sized. I won’t get graphic, however, gravity had definitely done its damage.

Another part of the job was floor sets, which entailed, being at work at either 11pm to 4 am or sometimes we started at 4 am and tried to finish before the store opened. Floor sets are always at awkward times, because it is all stuff that needs to be done while the store is closed. I actually didn’t mind doing floor sets at all, because you didn’t have to deal with costumers, and you were allowed to wear comfy clothes. All of us girls that worked there were always decked out in "pink attire" because of our killer discount.

I made many great friends there. And although many of us do not still work there, we always meet up every year for the Victoria Secret Fashion SHOW! which is always a good time, because even though everyone is busy growing up and moving on with life, it’s always nice to catch up with old friends!

Monday, November 28, 2011


I love food! The reason I chose to write about food this time, was because well, Thanksgiving just passed. And of course, I ate a lot of delicious food. It’s been three days since Thanksgiving and the left overs are starting to finally disappear. So it got me thinking about how I really just enjoy food. Whether it is a steak, hot dog, salad, fruit, potato chips, beef jerky, desserts, fish, chicken ,a big juicy burger and French fries, pizza, nachos, wheat thins, candy, granola bars, lasagna, ribs, a blooming onion, baked potato,  you betcha I’ll devour it. I have even tried alligator, and it seriously tastes just like chickenJ. It is kind of funny, because I am actually going to be getting my personal trainers certificate pretty soon here, and ironically, I absolutely love working out as well. So I figured why not make a possible career out of itJ.But that sure doesn’t change the fact that carbs are delicious! Although junk food is very tasty, I do like healthy foods as wellJ Even as a child, I guess, from what my mom has told me in the past, “You and your brother were the only 4 and 5 year olds at the dinner table asking for more vegatables.”

Saturday, November 26, 2011

so fly like a g6...or maybe not?

Roughly one year ago, in October, I decided it was a good idea to purchase a G6. I absolutely loved it for the first 6 months. After those six months, it decided to start to act up.  Just in the last three weeks I had to have the car jumped on four separate occasions, which is very time consuming and annoying, because I haven’t ever taken the time to learn how to properly jump a car.  So along with the battery I just replaced yesterday, I have also had to replace the headlight and break light within the first 2 months of having this car, buy four new tires, fix the moon roof once, and fix some fuses that apparently turned on my heat.
                Regardless of how much my dad told me to l
ook around for other options, I didn’t want other options then, I wanted the cobalt blue g6, However, looking back I really wish I would have considered other options. I do still love my little cobalt blue G6, and how fast the vehicle picks up speed, but I’m not in love with all its issues. I did not think it would bring along so many irritating car issues, so quickly, because boy, does that get expensive.  But I guess that is a part of growing up, and being apart of the real world.  

oh winter.

Winter is right around the corner, regardless if I want it to be or not. I really hate when my car gets stuck in the snow out in the street, driving slowly and always being cold, and unfortunately all three of those things tag along with the winter season. Considering there is nothing I can do to change it, as long as I live in Michigan, I might as well make use of it. Dealing with the bone chilling cold winters that visit Michigan every year and which seemed to stay longer and harsher every single year, it made me learn to have fun with it.
                All throughout my child I went sledding every winter, made snowmen, built snow forts and igloos, had snowball fights, went ice fishing, and ice skating. Although it was cold throughout these activities, it was still fun, and it taught me you sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. As I got older, I started to snowboard and ski. Never got really good at either winter activities, however I still enjoy the adrenaline rush and excitement of snowboarding and skiing. One winter activity that I really enjoy, that I’m not too bad at, is snowmobiling! I love going for a good snowmobile ride, whether it is over a frozen river or lake, or just over a beautiful blanket of snow. It’s just exciting to me.
                So yes, winter does suck, however, I cannot wait to take part in all these winter activitiesJ, and to celebrate Christmas, New Years, and my birthday through this lovely seasonJ

Thursday, November 17, 2011

'tis the season

                        Thanksgiving is a great holiday; it contains lots of family, great food, and in most cases, football. The lions always play on this holiday, regardless of how good they have been playing or not. I usually end up mingling with family, filling my face & going to bed early, for two reasons. One- I most likely went out, on the biggest bar night of the year (day before thanksgiving), and for the second reason, is that I usually have to be up early to work the extravagant shopping day, bright and early.

Black Friday marks the start for the holiday shopping season. Some people see it as the ultimate shopping day, presumed to have many great sales to kick off the holiday shopping season.

 People who work in retail, may or may not view black Friday as such an awesome day.  Although I love the holidays, I’m not the biggest fan of black Friday. I have always worked retail, therefore, I have just about always worked black Friday, usually opening shift as well. There are a lot of crazy shoppers out early that morning. Some of them can be rather ruthless, willing to do anything to save a few dollars. I understand that the economy sucks. However, there is no reason to be so animal like when entering the stores, on that morning.
Last time I checked, shopping is supposed to be an enjoyable time. They don’t call it “retail therapy,” for nothing.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Laughter is the best medicine:)

I believe laughter, is the best medicine! I love to laugh. I laugh at many different things and situations. I may laugh sarcastically at something; I may chuckle at a funny joke; I may laugh at movie, I may even laugh so hard I start crying. When I start crying from laughing so hard, I know that was a good healthy laugh. It almost makes your heart feel lighter. Every time I spend time with my friend Patty, this happens. We can never stop laughing, and it almost always ends with tears.
Every time Patty and I spend time together, we can always count on having a great time together. Whether it is just simply having a girls night; painting nails, doing facials, and hair treatment/masks, or having a night out on the town. We laugh so much when we are together, that it is a bad idea, to work out together. We seriously start laughing about nothing, I will be trying to count reps, and she could be doing pushups, but as soon as we look at each other, we burst into laughter. One time we were working out in the weight lifting room, and my friend the personal trainer at the gym, asked us two times what was so funny, then later he admitted he thought we had been laughing at him. In all reality we were just laughing at each other the whole time. I personally, always find it humorous when she works out because she randomly makes this weird face and looks so awkward using the weightlifting machines.  It wouldn’t surprise me, if that was the same reason she was laughing at me.
Patty and I are definetely two of a kind. We have known each other for over 10 years now, and our friendship never gets old. I dont beleive there was ever a dull moment, shared between the two of us. We have always been there for each other, through thick and thin. Regaurdless of our busy schedules.
We don't get to see each other as much as we both would like, due to our busy schedules. Thanks to work and school. However, we catch up when we have any extra time. Give us two hours, a few drinks, and it is if we haven't spent any time away from each other.  I know we will always be a life-long-good-friends, and I always look forward to a good laugh with her. She is like my sister from another mister:)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I believe everyone has the choice to choose their own attitude. It’s an ability everyone has. However it does require some effort. I never really thought you could choose. I guess I never really even took the time to think about it in that way. I just figured if you were having a bad, you were having a bad day, and everyone has them. It wasn’t until my boss, David, kept saying, “Princess Shannon Middleton, what are the four principles, we live by here at Sephora?” Which, I would respond, “1.Be there. 2. Make the clients day (by smart samples & express services) 3.Dance and have fun. Finally, 4. Choose your attitude.”  He has done a lot for me, and continues to do so. He always seems to be pushing me to be a better person. Even if he is getting on my last nerve, I know in the back of my head he is just pushing me to be better.  David was the first one who always told, and to this day, still tells me “You can choose your attitude.” He once told me, “No matter what is going on in your life that you do or do not like, you have the ultimate decision to decide how you will handle it and how you will let it affect you.” I would consider myself to be a pretty positive person. However, Mr. David Wood’s, has helped to create an even more positive lifestyle, for myself. I’ve notice how I take the time, to think through the options I have to handle situations that would normally piss me off. I’ve also learned, from choosing my attitude, that there is no point with getting mad or upset over things we, ourselves cannot control. It is a waste of energy, and I could use that energy on something the actually does matter in my life. I really do appreciate the many different things he has done for me. The one that actually does mean the most to me is how he actually takes the time out of his daily day and continuously pushes me for the better. Although I may not show it every single day, I really do appreciate that, and many other things, such as the strong advice he gives me from time to time, the knowledge he shares with me, and just the way he has taken my already open minded mind, and widened it even farther. Thanks to Mr. David Woods, I will continue to choose my attitude and keep an open mind. And when times get tough, I will remember to take a deep breathe, and take the time to think it through as clearly as I possibly can before making my move.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It has been up in the "top 3," category since I was a child trick or treating throughout the neighborhood. There are many reasons, to me, why it is such an awesome holiday. First of all I love candy all the time. Therefore, when it is handed out freely, it makes me happy:). When I was a child, I thought what an easy trade; dress up in a sweet costume, and get free candy. Well, after you knocked on a stranger’s door and asked for free candy. Now thinking about it I can see how it could be slightly dangerous. However, that is all a part of growing up, in my opinion. Every year my mom would make me a costume. Back then I never really thought that was that cool. Every year instead of picking one out at the store we would form an idea, see if the store had directions, to sew together, whatever it was we wanted to be that year. Now I actually appreciate the hard work my mom put into the costumes. But my brother and I being the brats we were, always wanted the amazing ones boughten at the store. Boy, have times changed. Because quite frankly. I cannot afford a fifty dollar whore suit this year. So instead of buying a skimpy, poorly made costume from the Halloween store, that is way overpriced. Then having to find something to add to it, to cover up anything hanging out (if you will), I am going to work up the courage to ask my mother of mine, to possibly make me a costume this year.:) Another reason I love Halloween, is all the haunted houses, and horror movies!!! I love the adrenaline rush!! I might be scared shitless walking through some of the well-put together haunted houses, but the excitement, and the adrenaline rush, is totally worth it. I like to watch horror movies also. Not always, necessarily, the ones with just blood, guts and gore. However I really like the ones that actually scare you, not make you want to puke. The third reason I really enjoy this holiday is because it is the one night you can be whatever you want. No matter how far off it is from your true character:) A few other reason I enjoy Halloween, as much as I do is for sure are the caramel apples, carving pumpkins, & all the effort some people put into decorated their houses! Well writing this blog, definitely got me geeked for Halloween!:) Hope it did as well, for anyone who reads this!:)

One thing that sucks about the Michigan summer is...

Road construction is inevitable in michigan. We have some of the worst roads ever. That is one downer about the summer season in Michigan, which Im not particularly fond of.  It is like, as soon as the warm weather starts over powering the harsh cold months, you can almost bet, it wont be long before all that is notice along the highways, are large orange cones & signs, ramp closures and so forth.Considering, I drive i-75 every single day in order to get to work, it serves as a major invconvenience to me. One thing, I really do not like is how I-75 has been down to one lane. It is always my luck, that I get stuck by Grandma Moses, going barely 40. I tend to drive like an asshole from time to time; possibly speeding(due to my lead foot), and switching lanes to get around slow cars. Because, for some reason I am always in a hurry. Don't get me wrong, I like a road that does not contain pot holes, and horrible cracks & rivets in it, just as much as the next person. I just feel as if it takes far too long for all of the construction to be finished. Another reason, I dislike the process of road construction on the highway, is because they have little on & off ramps, that are temporarly placed. In my experience with the on-ramp, at the Bay Rd exit, going south; it seems as if people do not understand the stop sign placed there. Last time I checked a stop sign means come to a complete stop. Not, roll threw the stop sign and try to beat the on coming traffic that is going sixty to eighty miles an hour. Making the on coming traffic slam on their brakes, avoiding several car accidents. If you actually read this blog, thanks for listening to me bitch about road construction. Although, I know it is for a good cause, and right before the snow comes, it will be all over until next summer... it is still irritating. Thanks Again!:):)

Saturday, September 17, 2011


                  My mom was always what you would call "crazy cat lady." Well not that bad, but she was definitely a cat person. We always had cats growing up. I on the other hand, would have loved to have a dog growing up. However, my dad always took good care of his yard. The back yard was his sanctuary. In the past he built a rather large wooden deck that wraps around to the pool, two fountains, a two story club house(for my brother and I when I was younger.) and was always adding new plants and flowers. It was one of his favorite hobbies. So when ever I would ask if I could have a doggy, his response was, "Where would it poop, not my back yard."  With that said, it was always shot down. Never even considered twice, just a flat out NO. Until one day a few years ago, my best friend, gave me the best present ever. It was a little yorkie-beagal-snauzer-mix. The cutest little thing. I decided I was just going to bring her home and he would have to accept it. I knew once he saw how adorable the little puppy baby was, he would not be able to say no. So I took her home and my Dad happened to be the first person home. He wasn't exactly thrilled about the whole situation. But I said I would take care of her and everything would be ok. I knew my dad wouldnt be able to say no, now that I had already brought her home. Once my Mother came home, she was more than thrilled. I knew at this point my little fur-baby wasn't going any where.:) I could not think of a name for my little puppy for the longest time. I finally landed on LolaBelle. Lola for short, and she has many other nicknames now. She turned out to be one of the most loving, intertaining dogs. She hardly barks, unless she sees another animal outside. She loves to cuddle and sleeps with my every night. LolaBelle is one of the biggest social butterflies I know. She loves being around people. From little kids to adults. Lola has brought a lot of joy into my family's home. I tell her she is a "little fur angel, sent down from heaven." I'm sure you have realized now, that Lola is definitely spoiled. However, Lolabelle is such an amazing dog that she deserves it all.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Michigander at heart.

I have come to realize, I take a lot of what Michigan has to offer for granted. About one month ago, I decided I was going to move to Florida, where I would finish my college degree. I made the decision because I wanted to travel, I wanted to live some where completly oposite of Michigan. I thought it could be a good change, and if it wasn't I could always come back. To this day I still want to have the experience of living in Florida. However it was definetly the wrong time to up and move accross the country. I mean, dont get me wrong, I absolutly love it there. Over the Summer I went to Florida two times, to kind of check it out(such as; apartments,schools,work,etc). I was in paradise. But I began to realize many thing I would miss and many other thoughts and concerns came to mind. So I ended up backing out and enrolling in another semester here at Delta. I decided I could one day make that move, just not right now. Once I returned back to Michigan at the end of August, I started to look at and notice things a little different. I mean obviously, I notice the climate differences, that is a given. & even though I love really hot weather, I also love the fall. Hoodie weather is always nice. I love to see the leaves change from bright green to firey red, orange, and yellow colors.  Even down to the the crisp fall air, or the crunch of the leaves when you walk over them on the sidewalk. And if it is hoodies weather, it is defintly time to pull out some fun boots! For as much as I complain about all the snow we happen to be barried under every winter, I would still miss it. I absolutly love being Up North, snowboarding, skiing, snowmobiling, sledding, tobagoning, ice fishing, and the list goes on. Yes, it really sucks driving through lots of snow every day, however, its still worth all the winter activities.    Another thing is,  I do not think I could imagine a Christmas with out snow. That is just so weird.  As well as no snow for New Years, or my birthday(Im a January Baby)?! That is just out of the question. I do have a slight problem with the winter lingering for as long as it does. But if ya hang in there long enough, well, it is back to hot humid days! There are many other factors that did help shape my decision to stay in Michigan, for the time being. I can't say I will always live in Michigan for my whole entire life. However, I do know I will always come back. Michigan is my home. It may be a little cold for some, but it is where home is. & we have the luxory of four seasons, which a lot of people cannot say. Who knows maybe one day I will move even farther than Florida, but Michigan will always have a spot in my heart.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Rehab Tourney

The Rehab tournement is actually not rehab at all. It is a blooper ball tournement  that happens once a year, every year. They have many different leagues competing with each other. Such as 40 and up league, orginizational, and womens softball. All the proceeds go to help fund the North West little league organization.  I have been playing in this tournement for five years now. Every year I look forward to it. It is a whole weekend event. Because of this blooper ball tournement, it has brought many generations of  families friends such as parents and kids together. When the tournement comes around every year, most people that play do not just look forward to a few ball games, but also the beer tent, karioke, grilled chicken dinners' with corn on the cob. There are many different people who go down to  the ball tournement. From moms and dads, to their kids, grand parents, as well as bums that like to collect all the cans, they can find. Which sometimes results in two bums fighting over cans. After most of the games are done a few of the teams like to camp out and start a bonfire. Many people bring their campers, tents and etc. Therefor making us feel at home, as much as possible. Also we like to set up a little tikki bar, as well. Once the bonfire is going we usually consume some alcohol and then head in to the beer tent to dance and sing karioke. Our two teams, which is the womens softball team and the mens blooperball team seem to get rather roudy. Which ultimatly creates a great time! Therefor always keeps me excited for next years tournement. This year the 40 and up team (JCPenney's) which happens to be our mens team, won! We always play for fun, however winning always helps:)!

Make up Forever

Make up Forever is one of the four true artistry brands, Sephora inside JcPenney's offers. Make up Forever is used in Circus Olay. Therefore the entire line is made to last three hours submerged under water. It is a very long lasting line of make up. Now that you know a little background information on Make up Forever, let me explain the foundation. First of all the HD foundation is full coverage foundation. If applied correctly the foundation will leave your skin with an airbrushed, flawless complexion. To start the foundation process out, you would want to start with a foundation primer. The primer will basically smooth your skin out, and hold on to your foundation threw out your day, with out having to re-apply. After you have applied your primer, you would want to apply your foundation with a brush. You would start from the center of your face, such as your nose and work the product outwards. Your final step would be to apply the HD setting powder. Which is a translucent powder that helps to control extra oils and keep your foundation looking fresh all day. By following these steps your foundation will last all day with out having to touch up. Also you will not have to replenish your complexion products as soon as you would with out using a primer or setting powder. Make up forever also has many other amazing products. Such as their eyeliners. The eyeliners come in a wide variety of colors, from black to hot pink. So there is something for everyone. First of all one of the reasons they are so amazing, is because they are gel based pencils. Therefor they glide over the skin extremly smoothly. Also they are made to last three hours submerged under water, so that eyeliner will seriously stay right where you put it. However you are suggest to use a eyeshadow primer, just to ensure it will not allow creases to occur through out your day.Like your foundation primer it will also allow you to prolong the life of your eyeshadow and eyeliner, because it grabs the pigment of the color. Leaving your eyeshadow and eyeliner bright and bold with out any creases.