Saturday, October 1, 2011

One thing that sucks about the Michigan summer is...

Road construction is inevitable in michigan. We have some of the worst roads ever. That is one downer about the summer season in Michigan, which Im not particularly fond of.  It is like, as soon as the warm weather starts over powering the harsh cold months, you can almost bet, it wont be long before all that is notice along the highways, are large orange cones & signs, ramp closures and so forth.Considering, I drive i-75 every single day in order to get to work, it serves as a major invconvenience to me. One thing, I really do not like is how I-75 has been down to one lane. It is always my luck, that I get stuck by Grandma Moses, going barely 40. I tend to drive like an asshole from time to time; possibly speeding(due to my lead foot), and switching lanes to get around slow cars. Because, for some reason I am always in a hurry. Don't get me wrong, I like a road that does not contain pot holes, and horrible cracks & rivets in it, just as much as the next person. I just feel as if it takes far too long for all of the construction to be finished. Another reason, I dislike the process of road construction on the highway, is because they have little on & off ramps, that are temporarly placed. In my experience with the on-ramp, at the Bay Rd exit, going south; it seems as if people do not understand the stop sign placed there. Last time I checked a stop sign means come to a complete stop. Not, roll threw the stop sign and try to beat the on coming traffic that is going sixty to eighty miles an hour. Making the on coming traffic slam on their brakes, avoiding several car accidents. If you actually read this blog, thanks for listening to me bitch about road construction. Although, I know it is for a good cause, and right before the snow comes, it will be all over until next summer... it is still irritating. Thanks Again!:):)


  1. Ahaha, I completely agreee with all of this!
    I hate when I'm trying to get somewhere and I'm kind of on a time schedule and I'm stuck behind someone going slow as ever. Makes me want to just tap the back end of thier car a little bit to get them moving. Of course, I dont though.

  2. Haha! me too! I just wish they would get out of my way, because I'm always on a time schedule!
