Saturday, October 1, 2011


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It has been up in the "top 3," category since I was a child trick or treating throughout the neighborhood. There are many reasons, to me, why it is such an awesome holiday. First of all I love candy all the time. Therefore, when it is handed out freely, it makes me happy:). When I was a child, I thought what an easy trade; dress up in a sweet costume, and get free candy. Well, after you knocked on a stranger’s door and asked for free candy. Now thinking about it I can see how it could be slightly dangerous. However, that is all a part of growing up, in my opinion. Every year my mom would make me a costume. Back then I never really thought that was that cool. Every year instead of picking one out at the store we would form an idea, see if the store had directions, to sew together, whatever it was we wanted to be that year. Now I actually appreciate the hard work my mom put into the costumes. But my brother and I being the brats we were, always wanted the amazing ones boughten at the store. Boy, have times changed. Because quite frankly. I cannot afford a fifty dollar whore suit this year. So instead of buying a skimpy, poorly made costume from the Halloween store, that is way overpriced. Then having to find something to add to it, to cover up anything hanging out (if you will), I am going to work up the courage to ask my mother of mine, to possibly make me a costume this year.:) Another reason I love Halloween, is all the haunted houses, and horror movies!!! I love the adrenaline rush!! I might be scared shitless walking through some of the well-put together haunted houses, but the excitement, and the adrenaline rush, is totally worth it. I like to watch horror movies also. Not always, necessarily, the ones with just blood, guts and gore. However I really like the ones that actually scare you, not make you want to puke. The third reason I really enjoy this holiday is because it is the one night you can be whatever you want. No matter how far off it is from your true character:) A few other reason I enjoy Halloween, as much as I do is for sure are the caramel apples, carving pumpkins, & all the effort some people put into decorated their houses! Well writing this blog, definitely got me geeked for Halloween!:) Hope it did as well, for anyone who reads this!:)


  1. I love halloween as well. I love handing out candy and seeing all the cute and creative costumes the kids have on. On the other hand though I'm not a fan of the haunted houses. I'm a chicken.

  2. Thanks! thought it added some pizazz!:)
