Saturday, September 17, 2011


                  My mom was always what you would call "crazy cat lady." Well not that bad, but she was definitely a cat person. We always had cats growing up. I on the other hand, would have loved to have a dog growing up. However, my dad always took good care of his yard. The back yard was his sanctuary. In the past he built a rather large wooden deck that wraps around to the pool, two fountains, a two story club house(for my brother and I when I was younger.) and was always adding new plants and flowers. It was one of his favorite hobbies. So when ever I would ask if I could have a doggy, his response was, "Where would it poop, not my back yard."  With that said, it was always shot down. Never even considered twice, just a flat out NO. Until one day a few years ago, my best friend, gave me the best present ever. It was a little yorkie-beagal-snauzer-mix. The cutest little thing. I decided I was just going to bring her home and he would have to accept it. I knew once he saw how adorable the little puppy baby was, he would not be able to say no. So I took her home and my Dad happened to be the first person home. He wasn't exactly thrilled about the whole situation. But I said I would take care of her and everything would be ok. I knew my dad wouldnt be able to say no, now that I had already brought her home. Once my Mother came home, she was more than thrilled. I knew at this point my little fur-baby wasn't going any where.:) I could not think of a name for my little puppy for the longest time. I finally landed on LolaBelle. Lola for short, and she has many other nicknames now. She turned out to be one of the most loving, intertaining dogs. She hardly barks, unless she sees another animal outside. She loves to cuddle and sleeps with my every night. LolaBelle is one of the biggest social butterflies I know. She loves being around people. From little kids to adults. Lola has brought a lot of joy into my family's home. I tell her she is a "little fur angel, sent down from heaven." I'm sure you have realized now, that Lola is definitely spoiled. However, Lolabelle is such an amazing dog that she deserves it all.


  1. you should post a picture...we have a cat-my husband is fussy about the lawn too!

  2. I will try when I get home! thanks for letting me use your computer tonight after class!
