Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I believe everyone has the choice to choose their own attitude. It’s an ability everyone has. However it does require some effort. I never really thought you could choose. I guess I never really even took the time to think about it in that way. I just figured if you were having a bad, you were having a bad day, and everyone has them. It wasn’t until my boss, David, kept saying, “Princess Shannon Middleton, what are the four principles, we live by here at Sephora?” Which, I would respond, “1.Be there. 2. Make the clients day (by smart samples & express services) 3.Dance and have fun. Finally, 4. Choose your attitude.”  He has done a lot for me, and continues to do so. He always seems to be pushing me to be a better person. Even if he is getting on my last nerve, I know in the back of my head he is just pushing me to be better.  David was the first one who always told, and to this day, still tells me “You can choose your attitude.” He once told me, “No matter what is going on in your life that you do or do not like, you have the ultimate decision to decide how you will handle it and how you will let it affect you.” I would consider myself to be a pretty positive person. However, Mr. David Wood’s, has helped to create an even more positive lifestyle, for myself. I’ve notice how I take the time, to think through the options I have to handle situations that would normally piss me off. I’ve also learned, from choosing my attitude, that there is no point with getting mad or upset over things we, ourselves cannot control. It is a waste of energy, and I could use that energy on something the actually does matter in my life. I really do appreciate the many different things he has done for me. The one that actually does mean the most to me is how he actually takes the time out of his daily day and continuously pushes me for the better. Although I may not show it every single day, I really do appreciate that, and many other things, such as the strong advice he gives me from time to time, the knowledge he shares with me, and just the way he has taken my already open minded mind, and widened it even farther. Thanks to Mr. David Woods, I will continue to choose my attitude and keep an open mind. And when times get tough, I will remember to take a deep breathe, and take the time to think it through as clearly as I possibly can before making my move.

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