Sunday, October 16, 2011

Laughter is the best medicine:)

I believe laughter, is the best medicine! I love to laugh. I laugh at many different things and situations. I may laugh sarcastically at something; I may chuckle at a funny joke; I may laugh at movie, I may even laugh so hard I start crying. When I start crying from laughing so hard, I know that was a good healthy laugh. It almost makes your heart feel lighter. Every time I spend time with my friend Patty, this happens. We can never stop laughing, and it almost always ends with tears.
Every time Patty and I spend time together, we can always count on having a great time together. Whether it is just simply having a girls night; painting nails, doing facials, and hair treatment/masks, or having a night out on the town. We laugh so much when we are together, that it is a bad idea, to work out together. We seriously start laughing about nothing, I will be trying to count reps, and she could be doing pushups, but as soon as we look at each other, we burst into laughter. One time we were working out in the weight lifting room, and my friend the personal trainer at the gym, asked us two times what was so funny, then later he admitted he thought we had been laughing at him. In all reality we were just laughing at each other the whole time. I personally, always find it humorous when she works out because she randomly makes this weird face and looks so awkward using the weightlifting machines.  It wouldn’t surprise me, if that was the same reason she was laughing at me.
Patty and I are definetely two of a kind. We have known each other for over 10 years now, and our friendship never gets old. I dont beleive there was ever a dull moment, shared between the two of us. We have always been there for each other, through thick and thin. Regaurdless of our busy schedules.
We don't get to see each other as much as we both would like, due to our busy schedules. Thanks to work and school. However, we catch up when we have any extra time. Give us two hours, a few drinks, and it is if we haven't spent any time away from each other.  I know we will always be a life-long-good-friends, and I always look forward to a good laugh with her. She is like my sister from another mister:)


  1. I agree laughter is the best medicine for many types of pain in the world. If we only laughed more then I think people wouldn't be as depressed as many of them are today.

  2. Long friendships are always so reliable.

  3. You know you have a forever friend if you can laugh together about anything!
