Monday, November 28, 2011


I love food! The reason I chose to write about food this time, was because well, Thanksgiving just passed. And of course, I ate a lot of delicious food. It’s been three days since Thanksgiving and the left overs are starting to finally disappear. So it got me thinking about how I really just enjoy food. Whether it is a steak, hot dog, salad, fruit, potato chips, beef jerky, desserts, fish, chicken ,a big juicy burger and French fries, pizza, nachos, wheat thins, candy, granola bars, lasagna, ribs, a blooming onion, baked potato,  you betcha I’ll devour it. I have even tried alligator, and it seriously tastes just like chickenJ. It is kind of funny, because I am actually going to be getting my personal trainers certificate pretty soon here, and ironically, I absolutely love working out as well. So I figured why not make a possible career out of itJ.But that sure doesn’t change the fact that carbs are delicious! Although junk food is very tasty, I do like healthy foods as wellJ Even as a child, I guess, from what my mom has told me in the past, “You and your brother were the only 4 and 5 year olds at the dinner table asking for more vegatables.”

Saturday, November 26, 2011

so fly like a g6...or maybe not?

Roughly one year ago, in October, I decided it was a good idea to purchase a G6. I absolutely loved it for the first 6 months. After those six months, it decided to start to act up.  Just in the last three weeks I had to have the car jumped on four separate occasions, which is very time consuming and annoying, because I haven’t ever taken the time to learn how to properly jump a car.  So along with the battery I just replaced yesterday, I have also had to replace the headlight and break light within the first 2 months of having this car, buy four new tires, fix the moon roof once, and fix some fuses that apparently turned on my heat.
                Regardless of how much my dad told me to l
ook around for other options, I didn’t want other options then, I wanted the cobalt blue g6, However, looking back I really wish I would have considered other options. I do still love my little cobalt blue G6, and how fast the vehicle picks up speed, but I’m not in love with all its issues. I did not think it would bring along so many irritating car issues, so quickly, because boy, does that get expensive.  But I guess that is a part of growing up, and being apart of the real world.  

oh winter.

Winter is right around the corner, regardless if I want it to be or not. I really hate when my car gets stuck in the snow out in the street, driving slowly and always being cold, and unfortunately all three of those things tag along with the winter season. Considering there is nothing I can do to change it, as long as I live in Michigan, I might as well make use of it. Dealing with the bone chilling cold winters that visit Michigan every year and which seemed to stay longer and harsher every single year, it made me learn to have fun with it.
                All throughout my child I went sledding every winter, made snowmen, built snow forts and igloos, had snowball fights, went ice fishing, and ice skating. Although it was cold throughout these activities, it was still fun, and it taught me you sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. As I got older, I started to snowboard and ski. Never got really good at either winter activities, however I still enjoy the adrenaline rush and excitement of snowboarding and skiing. One winter activity that I really enjoy, that I’m not too bad at, is snowmobiling! I love going for a good snowmobile ride, whether it is over a frozen river or lake, or just over a beautiful blanket of snow. It’s just exciting to me.
                So yes, winter does suck, however, I cannot wait to take part in all these winter activitiesJ, and to celebrate Christmas, New Years, and my birthday through this lovely seasonJ

Thursday, November 17, 2011

'tis the season

                        Thanksgiving is a great holiday; it contains lots of family, great food, and in most cases, football. The lions always play on this holiday, regardless of how good they have been playing or not. I usually end up mingling with family, filling my face & going to bed early, for two reasons. One- I most likely went out, on the biggest bar night of the year (day before thanksgiving), and for the second reason, is that I usually have to be up early to work the extravagant shopping day, bright and early.

Black Friday marks the start for the holiday shopping season. Some people see it as the ultimate shopping day, presumed to have many great sales to kick off the holiday shopping season.

 People who work in retail, may or may not view black Friday as such an awesome day.  Although I love the holidays, I’m not the biggest fan of black Friday. I have always worked retail, therefore, I have just about always worked black Friday, usually opening shift as well. There are a lot of crazy shoppers out early that morning. Some of them can be rather ruthless, willing to do anything to save a few dollars. I understand that the economy sucks. However, there is no reason to be so animal like when entering the stores, on that morning.
Last time I checked, shopping is supposed to be an enjoyable time. They don’t call it “retail therapy,” for nothing.