Saturday, December 10, 2011

dentists scare me!

Ok so...I have always had a fear of the dentist, ever since I was a small child. Even though my dentist and his staff are actually kind of nice and mean no harm, for some reason I’ve always still been scared. Going to the dentist was never a really good experience. One time when I was around 16, I was at the dentist getting a filling. I kept telling the dentist that my mouth was not numb yet. He refused to listen to me and became the procedure any ways. Well of course, considering my mouth wasn't numb, It hurt! So my reaction was to move away from the drill considering it was hurting me, and well the drill basically fish hooked me. That was the one visit that just put me over the edge. So I haven't really went back there unless I needed a cleaning or something that didn’t involve pain. However, I had braces a few years ago and the brackets that go completely around your molar teeth, had created this little brown mark. Now I always brush my teeth; in the morning, after lunch and before bed. But unfortunately the little brown mark got worse and worse. It turned into two large cavities on both sides of that poor tooth. They filled both of the cavities, in hopes that it would be ok.  The dentist said if it got worse, we could have to do a root canal, or and extraction. Just my luck, it got worse. It turned into and extreme throbbing pain, in my ear, jaws, and neck. So I worked up my courage, which was not hard to do, considering I was in such horrible pain. The dentist and his team came to the conclusion that my tooth needed a root canal. So he gave me some pain medicine and some antibiotics. I am currently scheduled on the 15th to have a root canal. No I am not excited about the procedure, however, I’m so ready for no more pain! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Coffee is a key component; in making it threw everyday life. I don’t know why I’m so tired all the time. Maybe it is because I work forty hours, go to school and help senior citizens at an old folks home excursive Monday through Thursday. With that said, I am a busy girl! Always on the go! Without coffee I do not think I would be able to deal with every day struggles and events.

                 It is funny because I would never have saw myself liking coffee. When I was a small child I had made up my mind that I would never like coffee, never ever, no matter what. However, that all changed once I could no longer do simple tasks without being tired and crabby. Prime example, waking up for high school! Luckily by the end of high school, I learned what Ice Caps were. Deliciousness and energy all in one! It wasn’t long before I tried creamer.  Creamer totally changed my whole outlook on coffee. My first favorite of course, was French vanilla flavored. But luckily, these days, there are so many different flavors at your convenience. Check any local grocery store! Creamer definitely makes my cup of coffee. Well with a couple of spoonful’s of sugar, that is!

                I can’t imagine life without coffee anymore!If you are feeling tired and need a little energy boost, but just cannot stand the taste of coffee I strongly urge you to find a tasty coffee creamer, add sugar, and I think it will definitely change your opinion!

Free Radicals & Antioxidants!

            Antioxidants are helpful little buggers! They fight off free radical damage. Free radical damage is found in cigarette smoke, environmental pollutants, radiant, ultraviolet light, certain drugs, pesticides, anesthetics, industrial solvents, exercising, metabolism and the ozone. Free Radicals are involved in cell signaling processing, and intracellular killing of bacteria, however when there is an extra amount of free radicals, than the body actually needs, the free radicals start damaging or killing our good, healthy cells. Also free radicals are thought to be the root of many cancers, diseases and even the symptoms of aging.
Basically free radicals are unpaired electrons. Most electrons follow the buddy rule, and are always connected or holding hands, you could say. Unfortunately the free radical is a rule breaker, and is unstable. Because they do not have a buddy of their own they try to steal everyone else's, creating problems. When there are extra free radicals in the body, and they start stealing electrons from good, healthy, and stable molecules, they start a chain reaction of damaging one molecule after another.If this continuously happens the body definitely suffers some damages.

            However, the good lord gave us antioxidants and enzymes to fight off the free radical damage! Antioxidants and enzymes in our bodies help reduce and repair all the damage from free radicals. If you break it down, antioxidants sacrifice themselves for the sake of our cells. They give themselves to the free radicals that are looking to steal a buddy. Basically, antioxidants keep the free radicals from damaging our cells by being available to bond to them instead. Some antioxidants are produced in our bodies or can be obtained through foods or supplements.
 Antioxidants can be found in many sources, such as;
·         Vitamin A: citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, strawberries
·         Vitamin E: nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables, whole grains
·         Grape Seed Extract
·         Lignans: flaxseed, oatmeal, barley
·         Vitamin A and Carotenoids: carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, etc.
·         Selenium:  fish, garlic
·         Flavonoids: pomegranate, cranberries

Victoria Secret..what's her secret!?

LOL! So I used to work at Victoria Secret. It was actually a lot of work. I was a sales associate, which included the following; greeting costumers, ask if they needed a new bra, and asking if they needed to be sized as well. I never liked sizing other women’s boobs, so I would always send them back to the fitting room and make someone else do it. I especially didn’t like when I had to run the fitting room, because I had no choice but to size anyone who asked. One of my favorites, was when an old lady like old as in your grandma, would ask to be sized. I won’t get graphic, however, gravity had definitely done its damage.

Another part of the job was floor sets, which entailed, being at work at either 11pm to 4 am or sometimes we started at 4 am and tried to finish before the store opened. Floor sets are always at awkward times, because it is all stuff that needs to be done while the store is closed. I actually didn’t mind doing floor sets at all, because you didn’t have to deal with costumers, and you were allowed to wear comfy clothes. All of us girls that worked there were always decked out in "pink attire" because of our killer discount.

I made many great friends there. And although many of us do not still work there, we always meet up every year for the Victoria Secret Fashion SHOW! which is always a good time, because even though everyone is busy growing up and moving on with life, it’s always nice to catch up with old friends!